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We are excited to introduce the uniform for the Katherine Warington School.

The uniform will comprise of a winter and summer uniform plus a boys’ and girls’ PE kit.

The winter uniform is worn from September through to Easter and summer uniform is worn for the summer term only.

We are still to decide on who will be our suppliers, but will update the website as soon as we know.


School Blazer              Black with purple edging and school logo.

Skirt                            Warrior tartan kilt school regulation. Length must be at the knee.

Trousers                     Grey, with embroidered school logo, school regulation.

Blouse                         Plain white, long sleeves with a suitable collar for a tie.

Tie                               School regulation.

V Neck Jumper           Black with embroidered school logo.  School regulation. May be worn beneath the blazer.

Socks/tights                 White or black socks.  Black, white or flesh coloured tights.

Shoes                           Black with enclosed heel and toe.  On grounds of safety to cope with stairs and busy corridors heels must be up to 5cm in height only.  (No trainers or laced plimsolls)

Outer coat                   Plain colour, not leather or denim. No large logos.


School Blazer              Black with purple edging and school logo.

Trousers                     Grey, school regulationonly.

Shirt                            Plain white, long sleeves with a suitable collar for a tie.

Tie                               School regulation.

V Neck Jumper           Black with embroidered school logo. School regulation.  May be worn beneath the blazer.

Socks                           Grey or black socks.

Shoes                           Black, plain.  (No trainers or laced plimsolls)

Outer coat                   Plain colour, not leather or denim.  No hoodies.  No large logos.


Skirt/Trousers            As per winter uniform.

Shirt/Blouse                Short sleeve shirt or blouse with embroidered school logo, school regulation.

V Neck Jumper           Optional, Black with embroidered school logo. School regulation Blazer. optional, black with purple edging and school logo.


Polo Shirt                    (Compulsory) Black and purple polo shirt with logo.

Skort                           (Compulsory) Black and purple skort with logo.

White Sports Socks     (Compulsory)

Football Shorts           (Compulsory) Black & Purple polyester with logo.

Games Socks               (Compulsory) Games socks with purple & white trim.

Rain Jacket or Hoodie (Recommended) Black & purple with logo.

Tracksuit Bottoms      (Recommended) Black & purple with logo.


Rugby Shirt                 (Compulsory) Black & purple rugby/hockey shirt with logo.

Rugby Shorts              (Compulsory) Black & purple heavy duty with logo.

Games Socks               (Compulsory) Games socks with purple & white trim.

Polo Shirt                    (Compulsory) Black & purple polo shirt with logo.

Football Shorts           (Compulsory) Black & purple polyester with logo.

Rain Jacket or Hoodie (Recommended) Black & purple with logo.

Tracksuit Bottoms      (Recommended) Black & purple with logo.